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AORTA A breath away from freedom: healing the wound of white supremacy and moving in formation

Offered through AORTA, with AUTUMN BROWN

What if a vibrant, multiracial movement for justice is within our grasp? What practices make it possible for us to not only build this movement, but to be its courageous membership?

In this special event, Autumn Brown will guide participants through a Black Feminist approach to healing the wound of disconnection inherent in white supremacy and racial capitalism. In this participatory keynote, we will map the practices that will build a vibrant, multiracial movement, and remedy the fault lines that we are so often re-inscribing within our movements from the very culture of dominance and control we want to dismantle.

Participants will join Autumn in exploring how to cultivate mutual resilience so that we can more effectively resist the ideology of racial capitalism and racial practice, and Autumn will offer a set of practices for moving in formation and sustaining human connection as we navigate a time of rapid change. This session is an opportunity to pause and make contact with a greater reality, remembering that, as Makani Themba once said, “We are always just a breath away from freedom.”

We will explore…

- What becomes possible when Black Feminism is the salve applied to the core wound of white supremacy that lives in us all?
- What becomes possible when we acknowledge not only our inherited and lived racialized trauma, but also the inherited and lived roots of our resilience?
- How can we use the practices of rigor, discipline, and accountability in our movements to move toward dignity and freedom, and away from shame-based practices?

This participatory webinar is open to all folks working to build a liberatory world. If you have been feeling disconnected, burnt out from organizing and anti-oppression work, and are yearning for a practice space to revitalize and reconnect you back to the sacred work of freedom, this webinar is for you. Whether you are an experienced organizer, a healing practitioner, or new to freedom work, this is an invitation to be in presence and practice with us.


Access information:

- Zoom: We will be meeting via Zoom. If you have access to a computer or laptop, we encourage you to join the event by computer to make navigating the materials more easeful.
- Captions: We will be offering CART Captioning during the training.
- Chat: This event includes use of the chat function in Zoom. Participants will be asked to enter responses in the chat throughout the event.
- Post-event Materials: You will receive a recording of the event, along with a transcript.
- Tech and access support: A tech and access support person will be present throughout the event to attend to any emergent participant needs regarding Zoom, the slide deck, and access.
- During the event, we will be screen-sharing for portions of the time.

Register here:

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