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We Are Meant to Rise: Poetry of Social Movements Panel

A panel discussion featuring writers from WE ARE MEANT TO RISE

We Are Meant to Rise: The Poetry of Social Movements is a panel discussion featuring Douglas Kearney, Arleta Little, Sun Yung Shin, Michael Torres, Kevin Yang and moderator Danez Smith on April 30th, 2022 from 12-2p. Inspired by their contribution to We Are Meant to Rise: Voices of Justice from Minneapolis to the World, edited by Carolyn Holbrook and David Mura,these writers will be closing out poetry month via performance and dialogue that illuminates and expounds on the role of art and poetry in social movements.

Tickets are free, but registration is required for this online event and can be found at: Spread the word!

This event is powered by TruArtSpeaks and More Than A Single Story.

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