NEW REPORT: State of Students of Color and American Indian Students Executive Summary
What does it look like when we build an education system that honors and uplifts the lived experiences of students who are People of Color and Indigenous (POCI)?
MnEEP's 2023 State of Students of Color and American Indian Students Executive Summary demonstrates why Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership (CVP/L) is critical for improving outcomes for POCI students and advancing racial equity and educational excellence in Minnesota.
The summary highlights what it looks like to center CVP/L in five key areas of education:
Student Voices
Teacher Diversity
Adult Multilingual Learners
Higher Education Investment
These key case studies provide critical evidence of how multiple and diverse evidence- and practice-based research perspectives can build our understanding of what it looks like to construct liberating racial and social education rooted in democratic principles.
This report is a critical resource for educators, K-12 leaders, and higher-ed leaders, staff, and faculty to understand, design, and support CVP/L in all education spaces—and to advance racial equity and excellence for POCI students with the intentionality and urgency POCI students deserve.