The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter

On Monday, June 10th this website, dedicated to featuring a range of topics and people committed to advancing Racial Equity & Community Health (REACH) in the Twin Cities, will no longer exist as a standalone site.

The Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association (PPNA), one of the organizations that helped to establish REACH, will take steps to integrate and amplify the type of content that REACH sought to uplift through PPNA’s existing online channels. The association is a small-but-mighty nonprofit in South Minneapolis focused on supporting overall community wellbeing through events, programs, advocacy, and sharing information.

Although the decision to move away from a dedicated site for REACH is driven by current resources and capacity, PPNA is committed to ensuring that the spirit of this initiative lives on in clear, relevant, and accessible ways.

Sign up for PPNA’s weekly e-newsletter, the Powderhorn Press, on our homepage. This will ensure you receive the next wave of REACH inspired updates after June 10th!


Coliseum Building Pre-Leasing Space for BIPOC Businesses & Entrepreneurs

This Historic structure at 2700 East Lake Street has long been a destination for community commerce. Today, the plan is to renovate it into a beacon for BIPOC entrepreneurs and small businesses, through a partnership with Redesign and three Black-Owned businesses that will co-own the building.


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Community leaders Weigh in on the third precinct

Georgia Fort, independent journalist, examines the Third Precinct in the 8th episode of her new show, Here’s The Truth with Georgia Fort.


After the murder of George Floyd, the Third Precinct Police Station was burned to the ground. Now, as the City considers where to rebuild, the community reaction is full of complexity.