Renewal & recovery
Many people and many groups are working together for equitable community restoration.
Organizations from all corners and people from all walks of life are taking steps to repair, heal and strengthen our community. The variety of private and public groups providing resources and people for this purpose will support more far-reaching and impactful outcomes.

1/ Calendar events: REACH cannot guarantee that the status of every event will be updated subsequent to being published. Please be sure to verify details with the source and check registration requirements prior to attending.
2/ The News and Features section includes our best efforts to capture and share content relevant to REACH’s stated goals. REACH relies on other sources for some of its information and thus cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of the information posted on this website.
3/ Content on the REACH website is informational in nature and should not be construed as advice. Those who choose to participate in or with any activities do so of their own accord and may not hold REACH responsible for outcomes.
4/ Finally, REACH accepts and publishes submissions from third parties. As such, material on this site does not necessarily reflect the views of anyone associated with PPNA.
Youth programs and Sports Free Beginning Summer 2022 at 17 Minneapolis Parks and Facilities
Youth program registration will be free for anyone with a Minneapolis address on their ActiveNet account at the 17 eligible sites . People also have the option to pay for a portion or all of the regular fees if they prefer during checkout.
Young Women's Initiative Innovator Application
Grants through the WFMN Innovators program fund projects that advance gender and racial equity by visionary young women who are leading within their communities from the intersections of their identities and experiences.
Family Tree Clinic Moves to Minneapolis
Family Tree Clinic has long been a medical mainstay in St. Paul, serving those who may have difficulty paying for medical care or face other barriers accessing it. It is relocating this month to a new home in Minneapolis. Its modern two-story facility at 1919 Nicollet Ave. will open on Nov. 22.
Minneapolis Guaranteed Basic Income Program Pilot Poised to begin
The pilot program is accepting Interest Forms. Fill one out today to stay updated.
Healthy Northside Funding Application opens
Vision: By focusing on the health, medical, and wellness services of the Northside Community, we will work together to empower our own health and wellness.
Tiny Diner looking to convert to a co-operative ownership model
Tiny Diner is looking to power worker/community ownership by converting to a cooperative. What is a cooperative? A cooperative ownership model is an opportunity to shift ownership and power to the community and workers. Cooperatives help to create access to ownership of businesses and property, making shared profits a reality for those who might not otherwise have pathways to self-determination, community impact, and ownership.
Business Resource Collective
The Business Resource Collective, (learn more about them here: https://www.reachtwincities.org/blog/bipoc-small-business-covid-coalition) is advocating with state leaders for essential resources and components in the omnibus bill to support small, BIPOC-owned businesses.
Update on EPNI Urban Farm Initiative: Council Votes to Suspend City's Expansion of Hiawatha Campus in Phillips Community
On April 30th, the City Council voted 12-1 in favor of a staff direction to suspend the City's expansion of the Hiawatha facility in East Phillips. In addition, at the Business, Housing, Inspections, and Zoning Committee (BHIZ) on May 4, the associated Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) was postponed until August 5th at Committee of the Whole (COW)