Renewal & recovery
Many people and many groups are working together for equitable community restoration.
Organizations from all corners and people from all walks of life are taking steps to repair, heal and strengthen our community. The variety of private and public groups providing resources and people for this purpose will support more far-reaching and impactful outcomes.

1/ Calendar events: REACH cannot guarantee that the status of every event will be updated subsequent to being published. Please be sure to verify details with the source and check registration requirements prior to attending.
2/ The News and Features section includes our best efforts to capture and share content relevant to REACH’s stated goals. REACH relies on other sources for some of its information and thus cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of the information posted on this website.
3/ Content on the REACH website is informational in nature and should not be construed as advice. Those who choose to participate in or with any activities do so of their own accord and may not hold REACH responsible for outcomes.
4/ Finally, REACH accepts and publishes submissions from third parties. As such, material on this site does not necessarily reflect the views of anyone associated with PPNA.
Kenya McKnight-Ahad on the Black Women’s Wealth Alliance
Kenya McKnight-Ahad for the Black Women’s Wealth Alliance
38th and Chicago Re-Envisioned Community Engagement: Learning Table - October
A 12-month series of learning tables. Come for one, some, or all.
Powderhorn Park Improvements
Improvements for Powderhorn Park are taking shape! The Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB) has developed two draft concept plans for park improvements. Both plans are based the park’s approved master plan, in addition to feedback gathered from the community last summer: Project staff heard from more than 300 people about priorities for this phase of park improvements.
September’s 38th and Chicago Re-Envisioned Learning Table, “History of the Community”
A 12-month series of learning tables. Come for one, some, or all.
MPRB Approves Hiawatha Golf Course Master Plan
Long-term plan outlines transition from 18-hole course to 9-hole course with reduced groundwater pumping, improved ecology and water management, and expanded trails and winter recreation opportunities
38th and Chicago Re-Envisioned Community Engagement: Learning Table - August 2022
A 12-month series of learning tables. Come for one, some, or all.
Northside Epicenter Updates from Anissa Keyes
Anissa contemplates the “ballroom” space in her building on N 42nd Avenue and Lyndale Avenue North.